Arts & Culture
Our Promise to You
A strong Arts & Culture mandate is a critical component of a livable city. TEAM will ensure artists, performers, and support crew can flourish in Vancouver with access to safe, affordable spaces that encourage creativity, supporting inclusive neighbourhood events throughout the city, and increasing opportunities for artists to showcase their work.
How We Will Get There
TEAM will promote Vancouver as an affordable city for artists and performers, providing support and opportunities by:
Ensuring arts programs, events, and spaces are sufficiently funded
Fostering the success of visual and performing artists through better collaboration with the community
Supporting and encouraging events for artists, and exploring additional initiatives to support and enhance commercial opportunities for artists and performers
Protecting and enhancing affordable rehearsal, performance, and arts spaces, including incentivizing the retention and upgrading of art spaces in older buildings
Incentivizing the building of more affordable arts and performance spaces
The Issues
Arts and culture is one of the city’s most important and vital sectors, including all media production. Artists have been forced to leave the city due to loss of affordable working space and venues. Currently, existing older buildings are the main source of affordable creative spaces. Vancouver needs innovative ways to ensure the retention and replacement of affordable spaces for artists. Attracting and keeping artists in Vancouver breeds vitality and ensures Vancouver remains the creative hub of British
TEAM Perspective & Action Plan
TEAM believes it is important that artists have affordable spaces to live, work, practice and perform.
Vancouver needs to be a destination for artists who should see this city as a supportive and affordable place to work and thrive. Arts and culture support the livable city principles as part of a diverse and resilient local economy that contributes to a vibrant society and public spaces. TEAM will support and promote creative industries so they can thrive.
Action Items:
Priorities to support arts and culture
Support, promote and encourage Vancouver as a creative hub of British Columbia;
Review and encourage program funding for arts and culture;
Support existing events such as The Culture Crawl;
Investigate new initiatives to support and enhance commercial opportunities for artists;
Encourage and facilitate street festivals (Greek Day, Powell Street, Italian Day, Khatsahlano, etc.) which bring the community together;
Support all media production and its related employment, creativity & collaboration with communities & businesses;
Provide an arts and culture page on the City of Vancouver website as a one-stop-shop for all event listings;
Create and publish on the City of Vancouver website an inventory of arts spaces.
Protect and expand arts spaces
Take action to protect and enhance existing affordable performance and arts spaces;
Give incentives for retention and upgrading of creative spaces;
Create disincentives for demolition or destruction of creative spaces;
Ensure the replacement or retention of creative space by pursuing a one-for-one replacement and retention policy and repurposing existing unused or underutilized City, Park & School Board facilities;
Encourage minimum space requirements for cultural amenities where neighbourhoods are densifying;
Review the status of civic theatres with respect to affordability and suitability for arts groups. (For example, the Orpheum and Queen Elizabeth Theatre are expensive; the Playhouse is outdated and in need of modernization.)