How About a “Tone-Deaf Award”? And one called “Yet Another Giveaway”?
VANCOUVER, Feb. 27 – Mayor Ken Sim will be the only member of City Council to attend the Juno Awards in Halifax next month, after Cllr. Mike Klassen withdrew his request that the city pay for him to attend the ceremony.
Klassen seems to have realized that tagging along with Sim would strike the wrong note with taxpayers who’ve been hit by a 7.5-percent tax increase in this year’s budget.
Sim is going to Halifax because Vancouver will host the Junos next year. And while the Junos recognize musical excellence, we think a special Tone-Deaf Award should be created for Sim and the ABCers.
They’d be a shoo-in for that award after rejecting Park Board Commissioner Laura Christensen's request to take part in a meeting electronically while at home with a one-month-old infant.
City Integrity Commissioner Lisa Southern recommended sanctions – including a letter of apology – because of Sim’s refusal to let Christensen participate remotely in that Dec. 5 meeting. That’s when the mayor told Park Board commissioners of his plan to abolish the democratically elected body.
Speaking of the proposed elimination of the Park Board, we are looking forward to Sim’s update of a John Lennon classic: “(Taking) Power From the People.”
We'd also like to suggest a special YAGA (Yet Another Giveaway) Award if at the Feb. 27 Council meeting ABC approves a request by the Anthem Property Group to further delay payment of $10,440,000 in Community Amenity Contributions for a major development at 1698 West Georgia.
Anyone hoping this developer-friendly Council will make Anthem pony up should remember that he who pays the piper calls the tune – and it’s the same old song.