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Is this why Elections BC put out a “Help Wanted” ad last week?


One year ago today, TEAM for a Livable Vancouver president Cleta Brown wrote to Anton Boegman, BC‘s Chief Electoral Officer, concerning $115,000 in excess campaign contributions accepted by Ken Sim and by ABC prior to the 2022 municipal election.   Then…

October 19:          TEAM provided its data to Elections BC in the form of a spreadsheet detailing the apparently prohibited contributions accepted by Ken Sim and by ABC in 2021 and 2022.


December 20:     ABC returned $116,732.88 to the supporters from whom it apparently accepted more than allowed under the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act (LECFA).


April 11, 2024:    Elections BC announced it was investigating ABC Vancouver for “potential contraventions” of LECFA during the 2022 General Local Elections.


May 14:                   A candidate in the Powell River 2022 civic election was fined $2850 for accepting and not returning $1100 in prohibited donations.  Perhaps a precedent?


Today:                 We wait – and wait –  for the conclusion of Election BC’s investigation and its announcement of any monetary penalties it imposes on ABC.




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